The Start of a New Year - Silence & Waiting

You may have noticed the silence on our blog recently. I'm sorry to say it has been purposeful. With the busyness of the holidays and the most recent update on our adoption, we chose to remain quiet for a time. A couple of months ago we received news from our agency that changes in the current process in Ethiopia have extended the wait time for all families pursuing adoptions. When we started the process (September 2013), our expectations were 2-3 years end-to-end. Now, we are to expect something more like 3-5 years, and that's still very much so an estimate. 

So what's changing?
Things have been slowing down in Ethiopia for a while now in regards to international adoption, and the news we received is that this is the "new normal." There have been a few additional steps implemented in the process in Ethiopia which has caused the slowing down. 

Any Good News?
Yes! We have a new number! 


We started at #34 in August, so if you do the math, 5 spots in 6 months, you'll understand a little more how long this process is realistically looking. ;) Nonetheless, we are extremely grateful for the movement in numbers.

What to do?
I cannot begin to tell you how much it overwhelms my heart with joy when someone stops me to say "I'm praying over your adoption." We really, sincerely, with every fiber of our beings, appreciate your prayers. So please, continue to pray. 

"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long." 
Psalm 25:4-5

Though this was not the news with which we wanted to end 2014, we are still waiting for our Little Thigpen with great anticipation and longing, praying our Lord will do great and marvelous (even miraculous) things this 2015! :)

Happy New Year!

Praise Him from whom all blessings flow. 
Praise Him all creatures here below. 
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts. 
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 
