Since our Reveal Party in March, we have worked diligently to complete some paperwork and pursue bringing our little one home. I made a soft photo book for our little one that we sent to Ethiopia with our pictures in it. Don't make fun of my sewing skills - this was my first ever photo book! It was also my first time printing pictures on fabric - that was fun.
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My shirt says "Mommy" in Amharic. :) Great gift from a sweet friend. |
While my parents were here for the party, I put them to work helping me paint the room we haven't touched for 3 years just waiting to know who would fill it. I have to say, I love this room - it's my new favorite room in the whole house. We also painted the dresser my Granddaddy made for me when I was a little girl - I think it's nice - like sugar & spice. ;)
We still have work to do in the room, but for now, we're enjoying the little progress we've made.
These last few months have certainly had some unexpected twists and turns, though.
On April 21st, Ethiopia issued an adoption suspension which left several families (including ours) stuck in a process with no end in sight. Some families had to leave their legally adopted children in Ethiopia because they were unable to obtain their children's vital documents, even though the courts declared them parents.
We began contacting our representatives and using every connection and network we had to mobilize people and get something done. I have been amazed at all the work Joseph has done everyday keeping up with every contact we have in each office that has responded to our requests for advocacy. Every child deserves a Daddy who loves them like he loves our little one!
Many of you joined us in a mighty way contacting Congressional representatives pleading for their assistance in the matter. In May, a Congressional letter was drafted to send to the Prime Minister of Ethiopia requesting that the families and children who were currently in process on the April 21 date be permitted to complete the process without further complication. The letter received more than 120 Congressional signatures in just 24 hours -- that's a big deal in D.C.!
Since then, adoptions have continued to be processed and several families have been able to return home with their kids. Praise the Lord! We are still working to continue advocating for all of the families still in the process (like ours) to make sure we continue with this momentum.
We are praying we can file to court soon. In fact, we would love to ask you to join us in praying specifically for this. We are just waiting on some paperwork before we can do that - please pray the paperwork comes through quickly.
As we wait, we trust that the Lord is doing marvelous things. We have witnessed His unfailing love and sweet faithfulness in this journey. We know He has a plan. I cannot wait to one day share the full story of our journey -- there are so many things that have happened where the Lord has given us a wondrous display of His majesty in the midst of trial, frustration, and pain. He has assured us of His provision, comforted us with His peace, and humbled us by His presence. He is truly a good Father.
Lord, give us eyes of faith to see the things we cannot see.
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